Wednesday, 2 May 2012


A Gesture Controlled robot is a kind of robot which can be controlled by  your hand gestures not by old buttons.You just need to wear a small transmitting device in your hand which included an acceleration meter.This will transmit an appropriate command to the robot so that it can do whatever we want. The transmitting device included a comparator IC for analog to digital conversion and an encoder IC(HT12E) which is use to encode the four bit data and then it will transmit by an RF Transmitter module.
At the receiving end an RF Receiver module receive's the encoded data and decode it by an decoder IC(HT12D). This data is then  processed by a microcontroller (P89V51RD2) and finally our motor driver to control the motor's. 
Gesture device
As we can see in the images one is robot and the another is to trnsmit the gesture data to robot.
Now its time to break the task in different module's to make the task easy and simple any project become easy  or error free if it is done in different modules. As our project is already devided into two different part transmitter and receiver. We will discuss both of them one by one. Apart from Power Supply as it was discussed in last blog you can see that by just click here

1> Transmitter device or Gesture device: This part contain four module in it--
                                                                                           1- Accelerometer
                                                                                           2- Comparator                                                                                 
                                                                                           3- Encoder(HT12E)
                                                                                           4- RF Transmitter 
      Accelerometer:-  An Accelerometer is a kind of sensor which gives an analog data while moving in X,Y,Z direction or may be X,Y direction only depend's on the type of the sensor.Here is a small image of an Accelerometer shown. We can see in the image that their are some arrow showing if we tilt these sensor's in that direction then the data at that corresponding pin will change in the analog form.
The Accelerometer having 6 pin-
1- VDD- We will give the +5volt to this pin

2- GND- We simply connect this pin to the ground for biasing.
3- X- On this pin we will receive the analog data for x direction movement.
4- Y- On this pin we will receive the analog data for y direction movement.
5- Z-  On this pin we will receive the analog data for z direction movement.
6- ST- this pin is use to set the sensitivity of the accelerometer 1.5g/2g/3g/4g.
      Comparator:- For the purpose to change the analog voltage into digital we use comparator which compare that analog voltage to a reference voltage and give a particular high or low voltage.
LM324 IC
The figure shown here is comparator IC. The pin 1,7,8 and 14 are use to give out put to the microcontroller.We should connect a reference voltage to the -ve terminal for high output when input is high(+ve terminal for high output when input is low) from the LM324 IC.
In this circuit we compare the data from x with two terminal one for positive x direction and negative x direction and same for y direction.
HT12E encoder
Encoder(HT12E IC):- The HT12E is an 4bit encoder which encode the input data applied on it .The pin description of the HT12E is shown in the figure .
  • pin (1 to 8) A0-A7 known as address bits so we do not need to consider them.
  • pin no (9 and 18) are use to bias the IC  as pin-18 as VCC and pin-9 as GND.
  • pin - 17 is connected to the rf transmitter module Din.
  • pin-16 and pin-15 are connected by an Osc resistor known as Roscc(1.1 Mohm)
  • pin-14 is connected to ground to enable the transmitt.
  • pin-13 to pin-10 are known as AD0 to AD3 those having the 4bit data which is required to transmit.
      RF Transmitter Module(TX):- The transmitter module is working  on the frequency of 433MHz and is easily available in the market at the cost of 250rs .
  • The vcc pin is connected to the +terminal in the circuit.
  • The data pin is connected to the HT12E(pin no-17) that is transmitted or we can say that encoded data.
  • The next pin is shown in figure is GND that is connected to the ground terminal.
  • Now the last pin ANT this is connected to a small wire as an antenna.
1> Receiver or Robot:  This part contain four module--         
  1. Receiver
  2. Decoder(HT12D)
  3. Process(microcontroller 8051)
  4. Actuator (Motor driver L293D)
  RF Receiver Module(RX):- The RF receiver module will receive the data which is transfered by the gesture device. It is also working as similar to the transmitter module-
  • Connect the +vcc pin to the 5volt terminal
  • Connect the ground pin to the ground terminal 
  • The data pin is then connected to the HT12D (pin-14)
  • So that we can get the decoded 4 bit data
    Decoder (HT12D):- In a very simple way we can say that an HT12D converts that serial data into parallel which is received by the rf receiver module.The input data is decoded when no error or unmatched codes are found. A valid  transmission in indicated by a high signal at VT pin that is pin no 17.
  • pin 18     : It is use to give the +vcc or biasing to the  IC HT12D this pin is connected with the +5 volt
  • Pin 17     : It is the valid transmission pin it will high when the transmission is ok so that we connected this pin to an led for indication.
  • Pin 16-15: we connect these two pin directly by a 51k resistor
  • Pin 14     : This pin is connected with the rf receiver module data pin to receiving the serial data.
  • Pin 10-13: These pins are data pin which is transferred by the gesture module
Process (Microcontroller P89V51RD2): The processing is the most important part of the robot. Till now we get the data from the decoder now based on that data we have to make some decision so here the role of microcontroller is coming up. We use an 8051 microcontroller for our circuit to give them a decision capability. Our microcontroller is made up by nxp the product name is P89V51RD2
The basic circuit to initialize the microcontroller is shown below. We just need an reset circuit and oscillator to run the program.
8051 micro controller circuit
 we use the port 1 as an input port and port 2 as an output port.
so the Data from the decoder  will connect with pin 1,2,3,4 and motor should be connect with pin 21,22,23,24. 
For forward the data to the Port2 is 0a or for backward it is 05 then for lest its 02 and for right it is 08.

ACTUATOR'S(L293D): The Actuator's are those devices which actually gives the movement or to do a task like motor's. In the real world their are various types of motor's available which works on different voltages. So we need motor driver for running them through the controller. To get interface between motor and microcontroller . We use L293D motor driver IC in our circuit.
motor driver circuit
As in above circuit 2 pin male 
As in above circuit a 2 pin male connector in connected to the pin 8 this will provide the operating voltage for the motor like if we want to run our voltage on 12volt. so we just have to connect a 12volt power source 
Now here is the full circuit diagram of the robot (receiver module)


PROGRAM: Now here is the program of the Gesture Controlled robot. The program is in Embedded-C. The microcontroller we used is 8051.

    Gesture Controlled robot C program using 8051 microcontroller

INPUT DATA to PORT 1 LM324     OUTPUT DATA to PORT 2 for L293D

MSB  LSB              MSB    LSB
1111  0001(0xf1)          0000   1010(0x0a)    forward
1111  0010(0xf2)          0000    0010(0x02)    right
1111  0100(0xf4)          0000    1000(0x08)    left
1111  1000(0xf8)          0000   0101(0x05)    backward

#include<reg51.h>        //INCLUDE reg51.h for 8951   

void main()
    P1=0xff;    // set port as input port
    P2=0x00;    // set port as output port
    while(1)    // infinite loop
    else if(P1==0xf2)
    else if(P1==0xf4)
    else if(P1==0xf8)

Here is the video presentation of the gesture robot....

Here are some more pics of the robot . Leta take a look.

***************************** thanx and best of luck*****************************

About the Author


Author & Editor

Hobbyst Researcher and working in electronics domain, M.Tech in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems.


  1. Which 3 IC used in transmitter?? on your hand?


    which is 3rd IC?

  2. no third ic is used ....actually i made this circuit for other project and i used tht hardware for gesture the ciruit diagram is correct and no third ic is there....

    1. I have used arduino uno in robot and a clone of it in glove so please can u help me with the code.

    2. can i use 89c51 or 89s51/52?????

    3. exactly, same doubt.
      but i guess 89s52 is of 8051 family so can be used.

  3. what are the specifications of motors u hav used n also plz suggest a suitable program for this?

  4. sir can you give the program for this project please

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sir,what is the range of variable resistance that we have to use while transmitting

  7. Hello sir,
    i want to make this robo as my final year project..
    i need your help with the same..
    plz give me the 8051 coding if possible..
    my email:
    thnx in advance..

  8. Hiiii....Bro i liked ur project..and i'm also working on a similar project using can u plzz...provide me the code for this project..
    my id:


    1. Did u get the code for the project??
      And is it working.
      If yes, please kindly forward the code to this email id

  9. Your projects sounds fun.i also want to work on this project.please email me the coding for the microprocessor.

    Thnx in advance :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. please mail me coding for the microprocessor. my email id is:

  12. hey could you mail me the microprocessor coding to

  13. Hello bro,
    i m making this robo to my final year project for diploma...plz help me...
    i need your help with the same..
    plz give me the 8051 coding.....
    my email:
    thnx in advance

  14. sir i want to make this for my final year project so please give me for this coding and hex file

  15. sir please send me the code,,,,,,
    my id:

  16. sir can you send me the code please

  17. sir,what is the range of 10k variable resistor while transmitting plzzzzzzzz help me n my mail id is

  18. can u plz mail me the code?? thank you..!!
    my id is:

  19. can u plzzzzzzzz mail me the programming at

  20. wat else can be added in this project or any variations??? pls mail me on

  21. wat else can be added in this project or any variations??? n extension pls mail me on

  22. project sounds nice please send me code and diagram and tell me how to burn the code into a programmer for this can be made if i am using 89c2051or 8051or which supprot both the ics ,do tell me if u have any schematics please frward it to.e

  23. can u plz mail me all stuf for this project plz its urgent..
    mail me at

    1. friend first tell me what exactly u want then surely i will help you

    2. bhai i actually need clear circuit diagrma for reciever module

    3. send me code for Micro controller (AT89C51) and its hex file. also PCB simulation circuit

  24. i am actually trying to do a similar i would really appreciate if you could send me the related stuff like circuit diagrams and the source code.........plz send it to

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. sir i want 2 ask how correct comparator ic LM324 is converting analog signal from accelerometer into digital? Is this conversion reliable? what is the range of smallest movement of hand in any direction (example forward) so that LM324 can give precise digital output ?

  27. sir plz send the full docment of this project to my mail

  28. sir plzz mail me the code of this project my email id is

  29. let me Point out one thing, you are using ADXL335 accelerometer, ryt? Maximum Vss of it is 3.6V but you are giving 5v to it which will burn it.

  30. can u plz mail me all stuf for this project plz its urgent..
    mail me at

  31. hello,i am workimg on the same project so could you please help me by mailing me the coding at

  32. hello ,i'm a hobbyist and i am interested in this project.this has also come on the electronics for you magazine .CAN u PLEASE send me the pcb layout and can you post a printed schematic on the blog

  33. please can anyone mail me the code for the above project . i am really struck with the programming part of this . Please help me out with the programming its really urgent for me..
    i have used ATmega 16 microcontroller.
    please mail me the code asap if anyone has it at-

  34. Please can anyone mail me the code of this project.I need to see the coding as I am working on this project for my final year my email address is

    1. abe abcd padh pehle
      salle ko paki pakie chhahiye

  35. Sir can u plz send me full layouts and code. . My email id is

  36. hi.. i want to make this robot as my finale year project can you please send the full detail of this gesture control robot.....thank you.... at

  37. sir,
    i want to do this project.Can you please send me the code.

  38. from this kits are brought can u plz tell me
    its urgent ...

  39. wat is the use of this robot...????

  40. can u tell me how u adjusted the preset given to the comparator it just by trial and error method

  41. please tell me from where i can buy an accelerator ic please ..... at

  42. sir
    i want to do this project.Can you please send me the code.
    here is my email id
    please send immediately its urgent......plz sir

  43. sir,
    can u tell me how to use the output of z axis in accelerometer.
    in the above diagram of transmitter, only x and y outputs are used.
    in left and right movement , there will be change in all three axis????
    pls send me the required solution on my email:

    1. Z axis is for up and down movement. You cannot move your car in up and down direction.

    2. but there will be changes in co-ordinates if we r using 3 axis .

  44. hey,can you please send more details about this system

  45. sir could u plz send me the full programming code for this mail id is

  46. the range of variable resistors in this project is 1.6V try it will work

  47. Sir i want to make this project for my final year...please provide me all the details on my mail id is
    i will be highly thankful to you

    Abhi Chauhan

  48. sir please provide the clear schematics of the circuit,,hot to set the preset...which antenna is to be used..please sir

    Abhi Chauhan

  49. sir need the full detail about accelerometer based gseture recognition.

  50. sir ,how to simulate this project ..and if imlate then in which softwere...plz tell me sir

  51. Sir i am almost done with this project and i have verified and checked each block of it which is working fine. The only problem i am facing right now is with the microcontroller. I have burnt the program which you have mentioned on the blog. But when the uC gets the input at port1 it does not give the desired ouput at port2. Infact all the pins at port2 give a zero voltage output even after the variations of the accelerometer. I am not able to figure out right now what can be the problem with this. Can you please help me with this as i need to submit my project in next week itself.
    Thank you very much sir.

    1. what was the refernce voltage given to the comparator

    2. The reference voltage should be 1.60V

  52. sir I can't get desire output of camparator.......
    what is the exact out put of decoder at the recever

  53. Sir i am almost done with this project and i have verified and checked each block of it which is working fine. The only problem i am facing right now is with the microcontroller. I have burnt the program which you have mentioned on the prlm is decoder ic not getting power supply ,,,,sir pls help me

  54. Hey guys any one want the another program. i will upload the program for this project (alp and
    embedded c ).....

    1. It will be really helpful if u could upload it here or can u mail it to me at please...
      Thanks in advance!!

  55. Helo sir, i'm also working on a similar project using can u please...provide me the code for this project. I am using atmel at89s52 Microcontroller. It is also a 8051 mc.. Hope u'll ASAP..
    my email id: Thanks...:)

  56. i am using pic 16f887 so can i use ADC intead of encoder decoder

  57. Sir, it is a great idea but i m having a problem. How can we program the 8051mc. PLZ rply as soon as possible.
    my email

  58. according to the circuit the signals are high for encoder ic..............but the data sheet says data pins are active low.........?????

  59. sir i need the full detail about accelerometer based gseture recognition.

  60. Sir i am in urgent need of the detailed information about the project...
    Can u mail me the deatils on

  61. can u please send us the code and details of the project
    thank you

  62. sir can u tell me the particular application and advantages of gesture controlled robot in detail view........

    1. its very important please reply as early as possible.......

    2. its very important please reply as early as possible.......

  63. can anyone please explain me the programme of this project??? please its very urgent....

  64. sir can you please send me the program code for this project? the one u published in this page i have burn in microcontroller (AT89S52) but is not working. so please help me and plese explain my email id is
    thank you

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  67. mail me the mc program asap..please

    1. hello friend the program is already in the blog...after the circuit.

  68. I want the PCB layout of transmitter and receiver.

  69. can i simulate this project in proteus /multisim ?

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  71. what is the max. distance between transmitter and receiver?

  72. can i use 89c51 instead of p59v51rd2?


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  74. can we use 89s51 or s52??????????????????????

  75. please mail me coding for the microprocessor. my email id is:
    thank u!

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