Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Ethernet(ENC28J60) Interfaced Arduino

In this Artical we will see how to establish communication between computer/mobile to Arduino in a LAN or Wireless Network. We are interfacing the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller to Arduino so that our Arduino will be the one of member of that network. Once it will done the arduino can control things in that network or the arduino can be controlled by the other devices of that network it might be computer or mobile. Interfacing Arduino with the ENC28J60 will further gives us the freedom of using the internet on Arduino but before that we need to learn how to do all that networking stuff in a locan network.

Soon I will post about how to control the things in local network, how to send data on a local network, and how to interfaced with Android devices or how to make IOT Devices. IOT Devices are quite famous.

A simple block diagram of the data flow  is in the image below.

Ethernet Module( ENC28J60):  Microchip's ENC28J60 is a 28-pin,  Ethernet Controller with on board MAC & PHY, 8 Kbytes of Buffer RAM and an SPI serial interface. With a small foot print package size the ENC28J60 minimizes complexity, board space and cost. It used in so many application like Industrial Automation, Building Automation, Home Control, Security and Instrumentation, IOT Devices.
You can build Your own circuit but I use the Module to save my time.

VIRTUAL SIMULATION: I first simulate my design on the Proteus ISIS to make sure I am working in right direction and also to save my time. In ISIS their is already a component named "ENC28J60 ethernet controller" so I picked it from the library. Now I picked up the Arduino and connect it with the ethernet controller.

if the link dont work please comment

* Connections:   
Now make these connection in the ISIS design tool.

SOFTWARE: Now we all done with the Virtual Hardware Design lets make the software. All you need is the Ethercard Library for this example. Download it from here EtherCard. Click here
  • Extract the ZIP file , copy and paste the folder in your Arduino1.xx/library/  
  • once you place the folder in your arduino library folder restart your Arduino IDE
  • Now  go to ethercard > Examples > backsoon
 Compile the code  : if facing any problem then go to :  How To Simulate Arduino in ISIS

Make some changes in the program as given below
changes are in Red colour
Arduino code

// Present a "Will be back soon web page", as stand-in webserver.
// 2011-01-30 <jc@wippler.nl> http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

#include <EtherCard.h>

#define STATIC 0  // set to 1 to disable DHCP (adjust myip/gwip values below)

// ethernet interface ip address
static byte myip[] = { 192,168,1,200 };
// gateway ip address
static byte gwip[] = { 192,168,1,1 };

// ethernet mac address - must be unique on your network
static byte mymac[] = { 0x74,0x69,0x69,0x2D,0x30,0x31 };

byte Ethernet::buffer[500]; // tcp/ip send and receive buffer

// char page[] is the HTML page you are uploading ..
char page[] PROGMEM =
"HTTP/1.0 503 My Seriavice \r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
"Retry-After: 600\r\n"
    "2embeddedrobotics "
    "<h3>Welcome to 2embeddedrobotics</h3>"
      "The World of IOT Devices .<br />"
      "yipeee   Congrats...."


void setup(){
  if (ether.begin(sizeof Ethernet::buffer, mymac) == 0)
    Serial.println( "Failed to access Ethernet controller");
  ether.staticSetup(myip, gwip);
  if (!ether.dhcpSetup())
    Serial.println("DHCP failed");

  ether.printIp("IP:  ", ether.myip);
  ether.printIp("GW:  ", ether.gwip); 
  ether.printIp("DNS: ", ether.dnsip); 

void loop(){
  // wait for an incoming TCP packet, but ignore its contents
  if (ether.packetLoop(ether.packetReceive())) {
    memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), page, sizeof page);
    ether.httpServerReply(sizeof page - 1);

now compile the code with prefrence compile. in file option.. so that you will get the .HEX file for ISIS.

Now you have done every thing . Hit the Play Button and it will give you the assigned IP address in serial monitor now write it down on a paper.

open the web browser and write the IP address of your arduino in the browser.

 Now you can watch this page on any device connected to that network  As I show.

HARDWARE: We already did everything in virtual now we just need to connet each component as per the connection given in starting.
Now upload the program to your Arduino and turn on its Serial monitor so that u can get Your 
"IP in Serial Monitor" and just open browser and put your IP and check the webpage.

Now you have done then note your IP from the serial monitor and Enjoy..
Wish you a very good Luck.

About the Author


Author & Editor

Hobbyst Researcher and working in electronics domain, M.Tech in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems.


  1. when i try to run this project it says "writting to non-assigned register [0x41]=0x00 U1" to simulation log and "Failed to access Ethernet controller" to virtual terminal. Do you know why this error occurred?

    1. 3 question: 1> DID you connected a lan to your PC
      2> if so then edit properties of enc28j60 and check network card no
      3> if network card no is not in the edit properties of enc28j60 thenu need higher version of proteus i am using 7.8

    2. I connected to wifi network. When i connected to a LAN you project work, Thank.

    3. i have the same problem bro someone help me writting to non-assigned register [0x41]=0x00 U1

  2. Hi Sir !
    I try to run your project on Proteus 7.10 and I edited MAC, IP and Gateway, choose card number in enc28j60.
    Connected to LAN cable.
    but when i run, Terminal only show : [backSoon].
    Please guide me sir !!Thanks you so much !!!

    1. try with different card number

    2. when i run, Terminal only show : [backSoon].

  3. Im running your project on Proteus 8 and I edited MAC, IP and Gateway, and I tried with all card numbers in ENC28J60.
    Connected to LAN cable.
    but when I run, Terminal only show : [backSoon].

    Could you please tell what´s wrong??

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I tried this project but while running the serial monitor i found out letters and not any ip address at 9600 baud rate when i changed the baud rate to 57600 i got an indication of backsoon. I have a doubt on how to check whether ethernet is connected to the router or there is any indication on PC's device manager or in networking or there is some more configuration required. I found your project very interesting and thanks you in advance .Please kindly give me your reply.

  6. I'm new and I hope somebody can help me. I got this erros in Isiss when I try to simulate de programe:

    Failed to initialize: WinPcap Drivers
    [SPICE]Error202: Too many iterations withoutconvergence

  7. In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/Arduino.h:28:0,
    from C:\Users\Alexandre Borges\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ethercard-master/EtherCard.h:28,
    from arduino_temp.ino:7:
    arduino_temp.ino:24:13: error: variable 'page' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'
    Erro compilando.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  9. Hello sir, I got similar error on proteus 'virtual terminal' screen. It shows 'Failed to access Ethernet controller' by trying 'dev_hub_net.cpp.hex' file and also shows '[backSoon]' by trying 'backSoon.cpp.hex' file (or vice versa).
    You notice above that see enc28j60's card number, Network card number.
    What do you mean by this? I looked to enc28j60 in your arduino+ethernet circuit in proteus. On ISIS 'Edit Component' window, there is Network Card No: 1. Is it right? or what is its mean? There are card numbers: default,0,1,2,3,4,5.
    What does it do? which one must write there, why?
    I know question is a bit boring, so, we need your helpfulness, if you please. yours sincerely (from Turkey)... :-)

  10. Hello!!! Excellent but I get this error i proteus: invalid opcode 0x9419 at PC=0x23D4 and failed to initialize WinPcap Drivers... as I do?

  11. Hello visit your post, it is excellent, but some said that should change what is in red. I do not understand that part, you could tell, because that's the only thing missing for me to work, I do not check my ip address or anything in the simulation

  12. I declared the page varibale const and tried
    I am getting "simulation not running in real time due to excessive cpu load"

  13. How to connect a lan to PC to process this project in Proteus ? Thank you for your replying

    1. just connect your internet wire with your pc

  14. sir pls thhe code is not working

  15. Sir pls the code is not working and in the virtual screen it shows only backsoon and pls.. reply

    1. hi switch pin of cs from 10 to 8 or 8 to 10

    2. Respected sir,
      Thanks for your immediate reply and presently the ip address is appearing on virtual terminal but the DNS is appearing as
      Thank you

      pls reply......

  16. i could not find why DNS is may be due to this the ip is not loading in browser any suggestion please

  17. This is by far the most usefull post on this topic.

    Thanks for the tutorial

  18. variable 'page' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'
    how to solve this error?

  19. hello sir,
    this link doesn't work with me

  20. This was the time before the ESP8266 which now allows the arduino through wifi. And of course, NodeMCU which can be used as a standalone server using Arduino IDE.

  21. i receive this error

    "Failed to initialize WinPcap Drivers"

    then what should i do?

  22. https://suntos.com.np/avr/ENC28J60%20Ethernet%20Controller

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  24. I couldn't get response from real model of this sample
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    obs: people with the problem about the "page" only change the parameter of variable for "const char page[] PROGMEN = ..."

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  70. This article provides an excellent guide on how to establish communication between a computer/mobile and Arduino in a LAN or Wireless Network using the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller. The step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and explanations make it easy for readers to follow along and implement this project. Well done.
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  71. This article offers a great tutorial on how to use the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller to set up communication between a computer or mobile device and an Arduino in a LAN or Wireless Network. Readers will find it simple to follow along with and implement this project because to the detailed directions, code samples, and explanations. Good work
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  76. This article explores establishing communication between Arduino and devices within a LAN/Wireless Network using the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller. It sets the groundwork for Arduino to control or be controlled by other network devices like computers or mobile devices. Future posts promise insights into local network control, data transmission, and interfacing with Android devices, tapping into the growing realm of IoT devices. The block diagram below depicts the data flow for this networking setup.
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  78. "This blog is a fantastic guide for interfacing an Arduino with the ENC28J60 Ethernet module, offering a clear and detailed walkthrough. The step-by-step instructions, along with the code snippets, make it incredibly accessible for enthusiasts and beginners alike. The emphasis on understanding the Ethernet module's functionalities and integrating it seamlessly with Arduino is commendable. A must-read for anyone diving into Ethernet interfacing with Arduino for their projects!"
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  79. Hey there! Ethernet(ENC28J60) interfaced Arduino is a fascinating combination that allows us to connect our Arduino projects to the internet. With this setup, we can create web-based applications, control devices remotely, and even gather data from online sources. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for our Arduino projects. Thanks for sharing this cool topic!
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  85. 2 Embedded Robotics delivers a clear and detailed guide on interfacing the ENC28J60 Ethernet module with Arduino. The explanations are straightforward, making it easy for enthusiasts and beginners to follow along. A valuable resource for anyone interested in embedded systems and robotics!2 Embedded Robotics delivers a clear and detailed guide on interfacing the ENC28J60 Ethernet module with Arduino. The explanations are straightforward, making it easy for enthusiasts and beginners to follow along. A valuable resource for anyone interested in embedded systems and robotics!
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  86. This article provides an excellent overview of how to establish communication between Arduino and other devices over a local area network using the ENC28J60 Ethernet controller. The step-by-step approach makes it easy for beginners to follow along, from interfacing the hardware to writing the software.

    I appreciate the inclusion of virtual simulation with Proteus ISIS, which is a great way to test designs before actual implementation. It saves time and helps troubleshoot any potential issues early on. The instructions for downloading and using the EtherCard library are also helpful for those who may not be familiar with the setup process.

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