Sunday 6 October 2013

Twitter is very famous website for short messaging. So many people tweeting and exchanging their idea's on twitter. So i made an small application for tweeting my current CPU temperature.

I am using the wheezy-raspbian OS in my raspberry pi and using the python language to write the code for tweeting the CPU temp.It is a very simple DIY project we just need to install Twython on the raspberry pi and small code for interfacing with twitter.

We also need to setup an twitter application to get an API so that we can talk to twitter server and make our application ready to talk with my status.
The raspbian is basically a LINUX based operating system. Most of the linux stuff worked on it.
Now some assumption 
  • You are  having a raspbian installed on your SD card.(CLICK HERE IF NOT)
  • You are connected with internet

Update the OS
Leave this step if you already updated with your OS.
**NOTE: sudo is used for root permession if You already login with root then there is no need of sudo
Type these commands in your terminal

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

Update or Install the python dependencies or twython
These three commands below install the pip and twython in your raspbian.

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

sudo easy_install pip

sudo pip install twython

Now register your Twitter App
For using the Twitter API to communicate our raspberry pi we need to register a new Twitter App on its site. CLICK HERE
After hitting the Click Here button you will be redirected to the developer zone of 

LOGIN with your twitter account in that website

Now click on the My Application

Now click on the create new application
And provide the details below

Now give Application name, Description, website url
Leave the Callbackurl
Hit the create button

Now go into the settings
Click on read and write and give organization name or website
and Update the settings

Now go into the details and Click on "create my access token"

Now the final result will look like the image below

Now copy the four thingson the image above anywhere in your computer.

Creating A project in Python to update the status of twitter

Your project files should be saved in a one directory so create directory first,then create your python file in that directory.

mkdir twitter_project
cd twitter_project
sudo leafpad

Now "leafpad" command will open the text editor ("like notepad in windows") with the extension named .py for python type file.

Now copy the below code(red color code) in your text editor and save it.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

from twython import Twython

CONSUMER_KEY = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'
CONSUMER_SECRET = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'
ACCESS_KEY = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'
ACCESS_SECRET = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'


api.update_status(status='My first status from raspberry pi')


In the above code change your data with the data you get from the Twitter account.

The above code will update your twitter status as in the last line" My first status from the raspberry pi"

The below command will make the file executable.

sudo chmod 777
sudo ./                --> This command will execute your project

Now the second part of the code is to get the Temperature of the CPU

Creating Python code for printing CPU temperature
Do the same procedure you do for #############################################

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

import os

cmd = '/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp'
line = os.popen(cmd).readline().strip()
temp = line.split('=')[1].split("'")[0]
        print temp


Creating Python code for  CPU temperature on twitter

Finally add the above two program code and run the file will update your twitter status with the current CPU temperature as for 


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os

from twython import Twython

CONSUMER_KEY = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'
CONSUMER_SECRET = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'
ACCESS_KEY = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'
ACCESS_SECRET = '***************YOUR DATA*****************'


while 1:
cmd = '/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp'
line = os.popen(cmd).readline().strip()
temp = line.split('=')[1].split("'")[0]
api.update_status(status='My current CPU temperature is '+temp+' C')


sudo ./   -->this command will run the and update the status 

Running the application in background and starting at the time of boot

Your application is already ready to run and working 

But some people wants their application run at the time of booting the window and run in background for making this you just need to do a very small change in the file named " rc.local" which is located in the " /etc ".

sudo leafpad /etc/rc.local

Now the command above will open the file in text editor.
Now write the line just after the " #rc.local"

sudo /path_of_your_project/ &

1.Here sudo is for doing the task with root
2.path_of_the_project will be path of your project file which you want to execute give your file name which you want to execute
4. '&'  symbol is use to execute the file in back ground 

And save the file.

This file will execute at the time of boot.
Now you are done.

########Thanx and Comment for any Help #####

Temperature Update on Twitter using Rapberry Pi

Saturday 5 October 2013

Raspberry Pi is a small microcomputer, with built in graphics processor. The graphics processor and the CPU share 256MB of RAM in its Model A and 512 in its model B version. There are two USB Port, one HDMI / RCA Video connector Ethernet controller ,SD Card(4GB ,Class4 Min) and general-purpose I/O Port. Figure shows a Raspberry Pi model B with an SD card inserted for scale. The Sd card is use to boot the operating system and work as our hardisk in computer system. In this tutorial we will mostly focuses on the basic setup to getting start with raspbery pi and preaparing the SD card with some tools.

Raspberry Pi can be interfaced with a USB keyboard and mouse and an HDMI monitor or RCA Video television port. The Ethernet gives us the power to connect with it internet. The SSH Server enables more options for networking and use the other keyboards to be interfaced. Internet can be connected using usb 3g adapter or wifi adapter.


Create the Folder with name Raspberry -pi
Save all these tools in this folder

1) Download the wheezy-raspbian OS. 
       Latest image of wheezy-raspbian image  CLICK HERE
       Latest torrent file of wheezy-raspbian      CLICK HERE TORRENT

2) Download the SD Formatter  CLICK HERE
      Click on the I Accept

3) Download the win32diskimager  CLICK HERE

Preparing The SD Card STEPS:
  1. First Extract the the OS(wheezy-raspbian).
  2. Now install the SDFormatterv4exe and run the application.
OPEN SDFormatter

Run SDFormatter

Finished SDFormatter

   3. Now Run the Disk2imager and put your OS image on it and click on the write.

   Run the win32diskimager ...

    Browse your image of the OS(Raspbian-wheezy)...

  After the browsing the image in win32diskimager and Click on the WRITE ...

   Click the yes button it may corrupt the card but don't worry about it...

  When  your image is successfully written on the SD Card then its all done 

Now put your SD Card on the raspberry-pi.
Plug your HDMI cable or else RCA video cable to your monitor/TV.
Put one Mouse and keyboard into USBport.
Plug microUSB cable with a 5v-1amp adapter.
Now power on the raspberry pi.

After powering up the raspberry pi red LED marked PWR will light, and if everything is fine  green LED marked OK will blink to show whenever the PI reads from the SD-card.

Once the raspberry-pi finishes loading it will ask for USER_NAME & PASSWORD for wheezy-raspbian 
PASSWORD  = raspberry

After entering all these information raspberry pi presented the configuration menu

  1. expand_rootfs to expad the partition to fill SD card
  2. next is to configure_keyboard to change layout to US(keyboard style)
  3. Behaviour change while booting select boot_behaviour to start the desktop at the time of boot.
  4. Finish the config.
Now once you have done with configuration file then for starting in GUI Mode.
To get onto the GUI System type


Raspberry-Pi Getting Starting

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